Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hard Work: It is Necessary but not Sufficient for Success in Life


Humans make choices — but they are never independent choices. Every choice depends on a lot of biological, social and personal conditions that you cannot determine for yourself. I can choose what to eat, whom to marry and whom to vote for, but these choices are determined in part by my genes, my biochemistry, my gender, my family background, my national culture, etc. — and I didn’t choose which genes or family to have.” — Yuval Noah Harari

Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar + AI

The United States (U.S.) is often referred to as the land of opportunity, where success is believed to be achievable through hard work. It is commonly held notion that hard work is both a necessary as well as a sufficient condition for success in America. This belief implicitly suggests that if one does not achieve success, it is due to a lack of willingness to work hard, or worse, an innate character flaw that makes individuals avoid working hard.

This topic often sparks debate when I converse with two of my ‘successful’ friends, who, like myself, are first-generation immigrants to the U.S. Judging by the quality of our lives in our adopted country, it’s fair to say that we have indeed achieved success, and hard work was a significant factor in where we are. As we approach the end of our careers, we all have comfortable homes and substantial savings to ensure a good retirement.

It is a controversial subject matter between the three of us because I believe in the position that hard work is necessary to be successful, but it is not sufficient. My friends believe that hard work is necessary and also sufficient to be successful.

The notions of “Necessity and sufficiency” are part of formal logic and mathematics but if you try to understand its meaning, the very first sentence (In logic and mathematics, necessity and sufficiency are terms used to describe a conditional or implicational relationship between two statements) will make eyes glaze over and make you mumble ‘whatever.’

In layperson’s language different options of necessary and sufficient (i.e., with one being true while other being and/or not true) in the context of hard work and being successful are:

#1 Necessary and sufficient: “Working hard is necessary and sufficient for being successful,” means you cannot be successful without working hard, and if you work hard, you will definitely be successful.

#2 Necessary but not sufficient: “Working hard is necessary but not sufficient for being successful,” means you cannot be successful without working hard, but just working hard alone will not guarantee success. You might also need other factors like talent, opportunity, luck, etc.

#3 Sufficient but not necessary: Working hard is sufficient but not necessary for being successful,” means if you work hard, you will be successful, but there might be other ways to achieve success as well, like having a unique talent, getting a lucky break, or receiving an inheritance. [Note: For our discussion, this option is same as option #1].

My friends opine that hard work is both necessary and sufficient for success, and inwardly, they are looking at themselves in the mirror as shining examples. What they forget is small events and nudges along their journey that helped them to be what they are today.

Our decision to pursue a Ph.D. program in the U.S. speaks volumes about us. Back in our home countries, we were considered above average. Our family background provided us with the opportunity to attend reputable colleges and receive quality education, which served as a springboard for our journey to the U.S. to further our studies. We had the means to attend college, a commitment that, despite being more affordable in our home countries compared to the U.S., is still a luxury not everyone can afford. Therefore, while hard work played a significant role in our journey, it was not the sole determinant of our success. By sheer luck, the family we were born in had a lot to do with it.

While I prefer not to disclose specifics about my friends, I can share that my journey to a U.S. university for a Ph.D. program involved a mix of hard work and good fortune. Originally, a colleague of mine was slated to travel to the U.S. as part of an exchange program. However, due to health complications, they were unable to seize this opportunity, instead I took their slot. This stroke of luck, coupled with my dedication and effort, has led me to where I am today. I know that my friends have experienced similar fortuitous circumstances on their paths as well.

However, prior to the fortunate events that shaped our life’s journey, it was the circumstance of our birth that initially set the stage.

There is a proverb that compares the conditions of our birth to the luck of winning a lottery. This metaphor encapsulates the idea that the circumstances of one’s birth, including geographic location, socioeconomic status, and family structure, can profoundly impact one’s life opportunities and outcomes. The lottery analogy underscores the randomness of birth; our time and place of birth are determined purely by chance, not by any actions or decisions on our part. This viewpoint emphasizes the influence of luck and circumstance in our lives from the outset. It serves as a potent reminder of the numerous uncontrollable factors that can shape our life paths.

I was born into a middle-class family in a country that, while it had its share of corrupt politicians and social issues (which persist to this day), was not plagued by wars or genocide. Issues like corruption, while significant, did not cripple our society. I was fortunate to have a stable family and the opportunity to attend a reputable school and college. From the outset, the odds were in my favor.

The circumstances of our birth are the initial state from which our life trajectory develops, and these starting conditions bear considerable influence.

Certainly, there are always exceptions to the rule. Figures such as Nelson Mandela, frequently dubbed ‘black swans,’ rise from the most daunting situations conceivable. Through determination and tenacity, they break through barriers. Nonetheless, these cases are outliers and do not set norms for the majority of us.

There is often a tendency among successful individuals to downplay the role of luck and unique opportunities in their journey, holding divergent perspectives and losing sight of their roots. This mindset is also prevalent among the current generation of Republicans. They tend to believe that if someone has not managed to extricate themselves from their predicament, it is due to a lack of effort on their part.

The crux of the matter is that success in life necessitates challenging work. While hard work enhances the probability of success, it doesn’t assure it. This is akin to maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen, which can potentially extend one’s health span. However, there is no guarantee that the desired outcomes will be achieved.

I wonder if there is any action in the present that is both essential and adequate to ensure the certainty of future outcomes. Suddenly, all that one is working towards and is on the verge of achieving can be thrown off course. An ordinary medical check-up can abruptly flip our lives, turning a blissful existence into a nightmare.

Thus, the three of us continue to engage in lively debates over the matter, while maintaining amicable relations, which is the most important aspect of having friends.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Where should I head next?


In the mind's eye
there hovers a vision of Clint Eastwood
riding into golden sunset
after he cleaned the town
of dirty old rats,
victorious, and yet,
looking a little forlorn,
lost, and a bit sad.

His gaze wanders
first to the east, and then,
to the west;
the lines on his face
seem to ask
now this job is done
where should I head next?

Monday, May 20, 2024

Either way, it will not matter

Calm down brother
just use one finger
and mindfully inscribe
your meandering thoughts
using your somewhat aging,
and decrepit laptop;

for unwritten words
will still be there
waiting for you to write
if the universe blesses you
with another day
and the orange sun rises
come tomorrow.

But if the universe decides
to leave you behind
and move on
well then, it would not matter either,
(would it?)
and hitting those keys
with such ferocity
to add a couple of new lines
may just be an exercise
in futility.

And so, my brother
slow down and savor the words
and meanings within,
and just use one finger
and mindfully inscribe
your meandering thoughts. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Basic Premise of Evolution

We are the representatives of the cosmos; we are an example of what hydrogen atoms can do, given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution — Carl Sagan

Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar + AI

Evolution: What does it imply? What are its origins? Is there an external entity that determines the course of evolution? Does it follow a specific direction, from left to right or vice versa? Does it always lead to more complexity, or can it result in regression? These questions may seem daunting, but the underlying principles for answers may be simpler than we think.

When we encounter the term ‘evolution,’ we have a visceral understanding of its meaning. Simple definitions for evolution could be ‘a process of change in a certain direction’ or ‘a gradual process of change and development.’ The most common context that comes to mind when we hear the word ‘evolution’ is the evolution of biological forms.

In living organisms, evolution is a ubiquitous and a powerful concept. Beginning with the emergence of self-replicating molecules, it has led to the creation of incredibly complex and intricate biological forms, including us. Its omnipresence suggests that the underlying principles must be simple. Otherwise, how could it be replicated repeatedly across time (across different epochs) and space (across different continents)?

The process driving evolution is indeed quite simple. If certain conditions are met, which can readily occur in a variety of situations, it is, in fact, an inevitability.

The essential (or necessary and sufficient) conditions for evolution to occur are:

1. Availability of limited resources.

2. A population with varying traits that require these resources for its continuation.

3. Traits to vary in their relative efficiency in procuring resources.

4. Sufficient time: Time for the processes underlying (i.e., natural selection) to play out.

Over time, evolution is an inevitability in a population, provided there is variation in traits, a mechanism for these traits to be inherited, and a selective force for traits to be favored, the simplest form of which is the efficiency of traits in resource acquisition.

That is it.

Evolution transpires when a population with diverse traits competes for the limited resources essential for their survival. Over time, the traits that are more efficient in securing resources become predominant. The selective filter in this process, which determines which traits will dominate, is the relative efficiency (or fitness) of these traits in obtaining resources. In biological evolution this process is referred to as natural selection, with ‘natural’ indicating that the selection is a spontaneous process devoid of any external entity providing guidance.

The four conditions listed above can occur in many situations.

The presence of limited resources: Resources are indeed always limited. The universe may have a lot of energy, but it is not infinite. For every living entity on the Earth, the ultimate resource is the radiation from the Sun that falls in per unit area at a location.

Diversity of traits: Random fluctuations, like mutation during cell replication, guarantee that traits among a population competing for resources will differ.

Relative efficiency of traits: Differing traits will vary in their ability in procuring resources. One could be a devil’s advocate and ask why it cannot be otherwise? Well, you can advocate that, but it is not going to happen on its own and has to be forced.

Time: The universe has plenty of that at its disposal.

Whenever and wherever these conditions are met, a process similar to evolution and natural selection gets established. Some examples are:

Biological evolution: This is often the first context that comes to mind when we discuss evolution. Biological entities vie for a finite pool of resources. Those possessing traits that provide an advantage in resource acquisition have a higher likelihood of survival and reproduction. Over the course of generations, these advantageous traits tend to prevail.

Cultural evolution: Every day, 60,000 songs, each with unique traits, are uploaded to Spotify. These songs (and their creators) compete for the limited attention of listeners. Those with the most appealing traits not only survive but also gain popularity, and their appeal becomes timeless.

Societal evolution: New social norms and practices are constantly emerging. Those that benefit society, such as the development of agrarian societies that contribute to the advancement of the human tribe, are adopted, survive, and over time, become prevalent norms and practices.

Technological Evolution: New technological inventions and innovations, each with unique traits and marketing strategies, are continually emerging. They compete for limited financial resources or perceived customer niches. Those that align with customer preferences eventually dominate the market and establish their presence.

Psychological evolution: We may not realize it, but certain psychological preferences, such as discounting the future, opting for the path of least resistance, and a fondness for sugars, are all psychological traits that gave us an advantage in the past. Although they may be detrimental to our current environment, we are still beholden to them.

Linguistic evolution: New words, such as ‘finistophobia’, are coined with the intent of conveying specific meanings. Those that effectively meet the perceived need to express a particular sentiment or action become established, leading to the evolution of languages over time.

Economical evolution: Rise and fall of new startups or continuation of established corporations vying for the money investors have been another wonderful example of evolution.

The crux of the matter is that if you delve into any aspect of the universe undergoing change and development, where an unseen force is guiding the process, it is likely that the process similar to evolution of biological forms that is at work behind the scenes.


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Retirement: A modern-day conundrum

It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone — Andy Rooney

Arun Kumar

AI Generated Image

Natural selection has gifted us with certain psychological traits that do not always benefit the majority of the aging population in the present era. Indeed, there are a few extraordinary individuals, such as
Fauja Singh who completed a marathon at 100, who age remarkably well. However, they are not the norm. As I grapple with my own physical discomforts, like an aching knee, or with financial concerns, like a dwindling net worth reflected in my monthly bank statement, I find myself caught between inspiration and disheartenment when I hear or read about these exceptional cases.

However, this narrative isn’t about envying centenarian marvels. Rather, it’s about how the rapid pace of human development over the last 10,000 years, since the advent of agrarian societies, has left us unprepared in certain aspects of modern life, particularly, the average person now lives well beyond their reproductive years and is ill-equipped to handle the challenges and hardships of old age.

An inherent aspect of life is its need for energy. Every living entity is in a constant state of needing sustenance. A continuous intake of energy is necessary to maintain the structure of living beings against the relentless force of entropy, which persistently attempts to scatter their constituent atoms back into the cosmos. In this sense, living beings are akin to vehicles needing a pit stop for refueling or smartphones requiring a power source for recharging. Anything that ‘operates’ requires regular replenishment of energy.

For humans, the acquisition of energy was once achieved through hunting and gathering, with energy being the fruit of our labor. Those days are now in the past. In the present era, we need money to procure energy. Supermarket aisles are now a proxy for forests, and instead of wielding a spear or a bow and arrow, we must ensure we don’t venture out into the wilds of the supermarket without our credit cards. With our money, we now hunt in the aisles of the supermarket. But make no mistake, like the effort required for hunting and gathering, having money is still our time and labor. Being part of the work force is a prerequisite for procuring money.

In our later years, when our cognitive or physical abilities may be declining, or when we can no longer compete with the younger generation, or when our skill set becomes obsolete (like being proficient in FORTRAN, which might draw blank looks today), it is time to retire from the workforce. Retirement halts the steady inflow of money. However, to meet our ongoing energy needs, it’s crucial to have a reserve of funds saved up that we can gradually draw from to sustain our energy requirements and ourselves.

On a side note, in the present era it is not only food, but we now need accessories to service our living bodies and the money required for them could be larger than the need for food. The place to buy food may be miles away so we need money for public transport or to have a car. We need a home, clothing, and since now there is leisure time at hand, we need a TV, an internet connection. The list goes on and on — the things we need start to need their own things, like home and car require insurance or a smartphone with a plethora of accessories.

The point is that after we leave the work force (let us call it retirement), and a steady stream of cash flow dries up, we need to have enough saved up to meet myriad of resource requirements for the years we are going to live.

If you are lucky enough to live in a country with a good safety net, or if you have a steady pension from your working days then good for you. Even if those options are there, it is still good to plan ahead and save for retirement years. There is plenty of advice out there to start saving early, let the compounding do its magic and see the savings grow. In trying to do that, however, some of the psychological traits that natural selection has gifted us are no longer helpful.

Two big impediments in saving for retirement are our tendency to discount the future and predilection for choosing the path of least resistance. Both these psychological tendencies were a beneficial trait in the past and gave us an edge in either securing or conserving resources.

Consider the concept of discounting the future. Natural selection operates within the confines of the present environment. It lacks the foresight to select traits that could potentially be beneficial in future scenarios. When faced with the decision to utilize available resources now or conserve them for later, the general tendency is to opt for immediate use. After all, the future is unpredictable. This survival strategy, particularly in an uncertain environment, aligns with the adage, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” It underscores the logic of prioritizing immediate, guaranteed resources over uncertain, future ones.

In the context of the present era, another psychological impediment that natural selection has bestowed upon us is our inclination to choose the path of least resistance. Given that energy is a valuable resource, in the past, one often had to risk their life to obtain it, efficiency and conservation in its use is a beneficial trait to have.

The traits of discounting the future and choosing the path of least resistance may have been advantageous in a different environment, however, it is no longer the case. In the present era, where we often live well beyond our reproductive years and need to accumulate sufficient savings, these traits may not be as beneficial. They could even pose challenges on our journey towards financial stability and longevity.

Indeed, discounting the future can make it challenging to save money for future use. With a plethora of enticing gadgets available and constant marketing efforts promoting the latest and greatest products, the desire to keep up with the Joneses can be overwhelming. These propositions can be too attractive to resist. Saving for years in retirement takes a back seat.

Similarly, preference to opt for the path of least resistance can lead to less healthy lifestyle and other detrimental choices in today’s world. For example, why put in the effort to exercise at the gym when it’s much more comfortable to indulge in leisure? Resisting immediate gratification is a challenging task. Such choices make for a shorter health span when old.

These examples highlight the challenges of some deeply ingrained psychological traits that were once advantageous in a different environmental context with drastically different living conditions. These are elephants in the room that need to be tamed. How, and is it going to happen?

It is possible that 10,000 years since the advent of agrarian society to now is not enough time to get over these detrimental psychological traits. After all, natural selection, and evolution, traditionally, operate on much longer time scales. So perhaps, given enough time we would leave these traits behind and be better planners.

It is also possible that such a change will never happen. Exploitation by marketing geniuses, presence of dopamine or serotonin receptors will always keep the flame of instant gratification burning. If that happens then the adverse psychological traits are here to stay and need to be socially managed.

Whatever the future may be, for now we are caught in the cycle of living longer, requiring energy as a resource do that, and needing money to continuously procure that resource. If we want to live our old days in comfort, we had better heed the advice and start saving early.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

The eroticism of a wine class


In a wine class,
the helper had poured some
in everyone’s well shaped
empty glass
that had a long stem
swelled at the hips
then tapered again
to a narrower rim
towards the top.

Dutifully, on the cue
everyone tilted the glass
swirled the wine around
and checked the legs
(and maybe, for things
in between)
to see if the wine
was light or full bodied,
was it young or was it old?

Next, we buried our noses
to breathe in the aroma
of floral mustiness
rising up from the pinkish depths,
and slowly took a sip,
and swirled around the juice
to cover our tongue.

And then.
everyone closed their eyes
in a moment of orgasmic bliss.

All agreed that the wine
was just sublime.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The nature of beneficial traits for natural selection changes with time


Historians will have to face the fact that natural selection determined the evolution of cultures in the same manner as it did that of species — Konrad Lorenz

Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar + AI

Biological entities require energy to counteract the disorder that entropy persistently seeks to amplify, often leading to the degradation of their form. To combat the force of entropy, biological entities are in constant pursuit of energy for self-preservation. Plants harness energy from light, while animals rely on food, which is fundamentally a product of the energy conversion efforts of plants. For all living beings, energy is a highly sought-after resource. It is their kryptonite.

Various species, be they plants or animals, coexist in a shared environment and vie for the available resource, energy, which is crucial for their survival and reproduction. This competition gives rise to the fundamental concept of natural selection. If a species succeeds in securing a larger share of the available resources, the traits that facilitated this success become more prevalent in the subsequent generations. This is because access to additional resources increases the likelihood of survival and reproduction.

Natural selection is an inexorable, punishing, and unsparing process. If you are not adequately adapted to the offerings of your environment, or if another individual is better equipped to do so, your distant progeny will not exist to honor your memory.

The competition for resources could either be inter-species, such as between lions and hyenas vying for a prey, or it could be intra-species. If a subset of individuals of a species acquires a trait through random genetic mutation that assists in obtaining more resources than their counterparts, that trait becomes more common in future generations. These traits that can provide an upper hand be either physical or psychological.

The influence of physical traits on survival and reproduction is relatively easy to comprehend. If an individual within a species is stronger, faster, has a longer neck, or possesses the ability to breathe both on land and in water, they are likely to secure a larger share of resources. This improves their prospects of survival and reproduction. As these individuals produce more offspring over time, the advantageous trait starts to become more widespread within the population. This could potentially lead to the emergence of a new species.

Numerous examples can also be construed to illustrate how beneficial psychological traits, by enhancing survival and reproduction, will become prevalent in a population (to the point of becoming automated responses).

Consider fear. The psychological trait of fear towards various dangers threatening our survival is essential. Without fear, and the fight-or-flight response it triggers, human lifespan would be short-lived. Some fears, such as the fear of being bitten by poisonous snakes, are so deeply ingrained in our psyche that the mere rustling of grass can make our hair stand on end.

The principles of natural selection operate within the confines of the current environment where competition takes place. It is within these boundaries that the advantages of physical and psychological traits are assessed. The process of natural selection does not attempt to predict future environmental conditions, nor does it select traits based on their potential benefits in an as-yet-nonexistent environment. The future is too uncertain to gamble on which traits might prove beneficial. Therefore, disregarding potential future events is not a beneficial trait. Hence, humans tend to discount the future.

One final example of beneficial psychological trait is our inclination to choose the path of least resistance. Given that energy is a valuable resource, when faced with two options that require different amounts of energy, the one requiring less energy is preferred. Why opt for a difficult approach when an easier one is readily available? Our tendency to choose the path of least resistance, combined with our preference for discounting the future, could have a compounding effect that is evident in our current environment.

Due to environmental changes and our technological advancements, the categorization of what constitutes a beneficial trait can evolve over time. This has already transpired for physical traits.

Technological progress has equalized the playing field for physical attributes. If you cannot run fast, a vehicle can compensate for that. If your muscles are not as strong as others, there are technological solutions for that as well. We have even reached a point where inter-species competition is no longer a concern for us. Not only that, but we have also modified the environment to such an extent that other species are struggling to survive.

What about psychological traits? Have we succeeded in overcoming their influence? Are these traits no longer relevant in the new paradigm that governs our current societal structures and norms? It does not appear to be so. In the present, our behaviors and responses continue to be guided by psychological traits that were advantageous during our hunter-gatherer days but may no longer be beneficial.

The psychological trait of fear is very much within us. Rustling grass still makes our hair stand on its end. Added to that are other automatic responses that trigger our brain’s primal fear response and are not helpful in a civilized society. Fear of public speaking can generate an automatic response of racing heart, trembling, and sweating. Fear of certain social situations leads to anxiety and automated response of sweating or a desire to flee. Fear of failure trigger automatic responses such as procrastination, perfectionism, or avoidance of challenging tasks.

Despite the significant personal cost, we persist in discounting the future. The average lifespan is now considerably longer than it once was. Much to nature’s dismay, due to advancements in medicine and hygiene, we continue to live well beyond our prime reproductive years. This necessitates planning for extended horizons. Our ongoing inclination to discount the future is no longer beneficial. For a healthier lifespan, we should improve our diet and exercise regularly. For a comfortable retirement, we should save and invest. However, participating in these forward-thinking activities requires considerable discipline, a trait natural selection did not train us for.

The story is the same for our preference for favoring the option of least resistance. Between the options of exercising today vs. being sedentary the whole day is so much easier and that is what gets favored. Alternatively, why task the brain with thinking when mindlessly scrolling for the next story is so less taxing.

Our tendency to favor the path of least resistance remains unchanged. Given the choice between exercising today or remaining sedentary, the latter is often the easier option and thus, the one we tend to choose. Why exert mental effort when one can simply continue scrolling for the next story?

Perhaps someday, technology will help equalize disparities in psychological traits. Taking a daily pill or receiving an injection, similar to getting vaccinated during our developmental years, could potentially cure our tendency to discount the future or resist the allure of the path of least resistance. However, until such advancements are made, the psychological traits that were once beneficial will persist. We must remain vigilant against exploitation by politicians, companies, and snake oil salesmen who are adept at manipulating these traits.

What seems even more likely is that the competition of resources (given their finite nature) will never stop, and certain traits, whether psychological or technological, by virtue of their helping secure more resources, will persist indefinitely. The competition for energy will always be there, what traits help us secure it may change.


Thursday, May 2, 2024



Where did it come from?
Why does it exist?
Is there an external agency
that always decides
how shall it proceed?

Should it go from left to right
or from right to left?
From Apes to Humans
or from Humans to Apes?
From worse to better
or from better to worse?
Or just be entangled
in the confusion of
a random maze?

Is it a one of those mysteries
in which universe abounds?
Or the answer is the inevitability
what Mr. Darwin found?

Limit the resources
let individuals compete
throw in a dash reproduction
and that is all one needs.