Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The solace of lines on my palm


Lines on my palm
they whisper

this night will be over,

the storm will pass,

and not too distant in future

it will be days
with blue skies

once again.

Wishful thinking?

Positive affirmations?

Or getting initiated

into a new religion
of jagged lines?


If I can curl up

be in my mother’s womb, 
have a Mona Lisa smile,

do I care

what religion it is?

Sunday, September 26, 2021



I never felt afraid
walking the neighborhood roads,
or at the stop lights
waiting for them

to turn green.

I never thought
of hearing
can you please

put your hands
on the steering wheels.


But then,

colors of realities change
with ours.

Gift of time II

You may leave tomorrow,
or it may be
another twenty years.

Each moment you give me,
I will hold it