Saturday, December 9, 2023

Have you looked at life displayed on a postcard?


Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana

Arun Kumar

80-year life in weeks

How many methods are there to measure time? Let us count the ways.

Time it takes for the Earth to rotate once around its axis. A day.

Time it takes for the moon to go around the Earth. A month.

Time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun. A year.

Or if one wants to get esoteric, and precise, then the span over which 9,192,631,770 transitions between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the Cesium-133 atom occurs is the standard for a second. Go figure, whatever that means. Understanding that will take too many hours of my time!

Somewhere along the trajectory of human civilization a day got divided into twenty-four hours, an hour into 60 minutes, a minute into 60 seconds. These numbers seem arbitrary as they are not related to (periodic) movement of celestial bodies which are a natural way to measure time.

A little help from Bing tells that the origin of 24 hours in a day, or 60 seconds in an hour came from Babylonians and Egyptians.

The Babylonians, around 2,000 BCE, used a base-60 numbering system known as the sexagesimal system, which probably is the origin of dividing an hour into 60 minutes.

The ancient Egyptians are credited to the division of the day into 24 hours. They used sundials and water clocks (clepsydra) to track the passage of time. The day was divided into ten hours of daylight and ten hours of night, with two twilight hours added at the beginning and end of the day.

Slowly, the 24-hour day became more standardized and widely adopted in the Roman period and has persisted and remains the standard for measuring time in many cultures around the world.

Then there are various notions of time that depend on disciplines of knowledge — Geological time (eons, eras, periods, epochs); Biological time (lifespans of organisms, growth rates, heart beat per second, circadian rhythms, evolutionary time); Economic measures of time (financial years, quarters) Climate measures of time (solar cycle, oscillations in climate data on years, decades, centuries, or even millennia).

Among all the ways to either measure or conceptualize time, time also has the weirdness of being a subjective experience and varies from person-to-person and also varies within one’s life. Our perception of the passage of time, and how we process and remember events, is truly a mind warping experience.

Time can drag on when bored or anxious; it flies when engaged in enjoyable activities. One can also get into the flow and lose the notion of time altogether.

This subjective time dilation or contraction can make it seem as though time does not always flow at a consistent rate. Sometimes it goes bananas!

There is also a feeling that time seems to pass more quickly and goes through “time compression” as we get older. When we’re young, a year might represent a larger portion of life we had, making it seem longer. As we get older, each year becomes a smaller percentage of our total life, leading to the perception that time is passing more quickly.

Exponential changes in technology and cultural shifts have also contributed to a perception of time passing quickly. The increasing flow of information and the increasing pace of modern life may also create the impression that time is moving faster.

All these examples point to an often distorted perception of time. One weird distortion is that month seems to fly by (and before you know, it is time to pay bills again) while a year seems quite long.

At other times, a year seems to go in a hurry, and yet, years of childhood seem to be eons away. Trying to imagine ourselves 50-years agomight as well be trying to peek before the Big Bang.

One of the most bizarre aspects of time is that if one counts life in number of years vs. number of days, and two create a different impressions for how long we are going to live. Living 80 years feels like an adequate life span but living for 29,200 days, ummm, not so much.

I guess measuring life in the number of days is a weird concept. We do not go around saying that an acquaintance is 32,850 days old now.

For that matter, looking at the lifespan in the number of weeks all laid out on a page just feels creepy. An entire life laid out on a half sheet of paper; that is all we have to live?

Now that I am older, there is also a tendency to begin to look at life based on different measures. Being in the middle of my sixties, a thought comes that I would perhaps see our son 20–30 more times and that becomes an awfully small measure of time and also a depressing and disconcerting thought.

On the same lines, perhaps I will see my sister in India five more times or less. The measure of life becomes even smaller.

Measuring time in how few instances you have left to repeat something makes the heart skip a few beats.

It also makes you realize how short our remaining existence could be.

So yes, there are many objective and subjective ways to measure time and within those options certain ways of perceiving time make us look at our existence through a different set of glasses.

Some of those glasses have a way of magnifying mortality.


Gift from a lost year

On the porch of our St. Croix rental, I stood,
Gazing at the turquoise sea below,
Yet, the heart was adrift.
The world seemed unwell,
Walls, they felt like closing in.

Those days, those months, that year,
A segment of life, seemingly wasted,
Lost in the chronicles of time.

But, having endured, and survived,
I am here today.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

If only the inertia was not there


The inertia of the mind urges it to slide down the easy slope of imagination, rather than to climb the steep slope of introspection. Marcel Proust

Arun Kumar

Inertia: a property of matter following which a body remains at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by some external force.

In the physical realm of material objects, it is hard to start moving from the position of rest. Similarly, when moving, objects prefer to keep, well, just moving.

This tendency of material objects is encapsulated as Newton’s first law of motion. Bringing any change requires a force that is exerted by something external to the object.

In life a similar law of inertia also plays out. Although the premise is not material objects but our psychological dimensions, the concept is the same. It is hard to deviate from the status quo.

It is not easy to get started on new activities (and turn them into habits), or once habits are in place, a conscious effort is required to make a change.

I witnessed this tendency again recently in a habit I picked up, and now I am having a challenging time breaking out of it.

The habit has to do with taking vitamin B-complex supplements.

The reason I got started down this road is the strange affliction of dermatographia I have been struggling with for about one year. I have no clue what triggered it. It is nothing life threatening but is affecting quality of life as a minor incidence of scratching can devolve into intense episodes of itching that leave me exhausted and panting.

Another fall out is that the symptoms exacerbate in the night and wake me up a couple of times, and thereby, have been interrupting sleep.

Not knowing the cause behind it, the mind naturally goes exploring in different directions and brings up different hypotheses for possible attribution. Perhaps, mind wonders, it is a manifestation of something else more serious out of whack in the body that I do not yet know about. Perhaps it is a sign of some nutrient deficiency like lack of some amino acid or vitamin in my diet.

If it is the deficiency of some vitamin, the mind argues, why not throw the kitchen sink at it and take vitamin B-complex. In doing so, perhaps something will click, and the ailment will be cured.

That is how I got started down the path of starting to take the vitamin B-complex, and now I am finding it hard to get out of the a habit it has become.

There are a myriad of reasons for not being able to change the status quo and stop taking B-complex. The reasons are embedded in strange twists and turns of human psychology.

After a couple of months of being on the regimen, I am not quite sure it has helped or not, but when I think about stopping, a thought creeps in and says what if the “positive” influence of pill is subtle and if you stop you will slide back.

The argument hints to the psychological fear of missing out (FOMO). I am not sure what positive effect the B-complex is having but if it has, stopping is only going to have an adverse impact.

Mixed with FOMO, and a closely related psychological factor is the fear of regression.

There is a thought that says that discontinuing the supplement will result in a return to my previous health problem. Mind you, I am not quite sure if the problem has gone away, but by stopping I do not want to disturb the balance of the universe and take two steps back.

The other obvious culprit is psychological inertia. After two months, taking a supplement has become a daily habit and now is part of my morning routine going through which feels comforting.

Breaking habits, even those with uncertain benefits, is a challenge due to some deep-seated psychological aspects — FOMO, fear of regression, and a tendency to maintain status quo.

Why try to fix something that is not broken?

So, for now, following the law of (psychological) inertia I continue to take a pill of B-complex each morning.

Perhaps what I should do is to start taking it on alternate days, and if nothing feels different then after a while, take it every three days. After a while perhaps I will forget to take the pill once in a while and one day, I will just stop.

From that day on, if nothing else, then I will save some hard-earned money.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Paradox of living


Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none — Albert Einstein

Arun Kumar

 When looking: 
 Eyes can only see 
 The colors of the rainbow,
 The shapes of the clouds,
 The objects of the world.
 Only when they are close,
 The extent of space and time 
 Becomes apparent.
 It is the paradox of 
 What is seen is limited.
 When listening: 
 Ears can only hear 
 The sounds of the wind,
 The noises of the street,
 The voices of the people.
 Only when they are covered,
 The whisperings of unknown 
 Become audible.
 It is the paradox of 
 What is heard is limited.
 When perceiving: 
 The mind can only learn, 
 What is already known.
 Only when it is empty, 
 The possibilities of what is beyond
 Become discernible.
 It is the paradox of 
 What is learned is limited.