started thinking about writing a blog during my transition years from work to a
future life in retirement. I did not want the retirement to be just turning away
from something but turning to something.
the back of my mind, I knew that someday retirement will happen, but it was
always a speck on the horizon. Other than an occasional thought, I never paid
much attention to it. However, nothing lasts forever and impermanence rules. Wish as
we may, but everything is constantly changing.
We just need to watch the world unfold at faster playback speeds to realize the change.
For me in 2020 it all changed. The prospect of retirement became a reality. The sudden realization of retiring in
not too distant a future caught me off guard. The basic question about
retirement that consumed my thoughts was – what am I going to do? what am I
going to be in the retirement? how would I fill my time with engagements that
will have meaning and purpose? What will be my identity? These are the
traits that working life defines and are lost with retirement.
In my chosen field of work, I had a successful career that
spanned more than 30+ years. Fortunately, or unfortunately, work became the
identity, meaning and purpose for a fulfilling life. Work also provided a means
to channel my creative urges. Leaving work behind meant starting with a blank state
that needed attention to be filled in and creating a path for a
successful transition.
I grappled with the thought of what the portfolio of engagement in
retirement (to fill in the void because of leaving work life behind) would be.
As part of that thought process for building the post-retirement portfolio of engagements, blog writing came up as one possibility.
I had always enjoyed
writing. As part of my work, I also enjoyed making connections between
different subject matters and looking at the landscape of problems (that everyone had
access to) in a different way. Also, there are few subject matters that I have
above average knowledge, and it was always interesting to explore connections
in between. A confluence of these traits made writing a good option and the
idea of writing took shape.
thought of writing, even for its own sake, had the potential for providing an
identity and channeling my inner need to be creative. It could be one of the
pillars of activities in my post-retirement portfolio of engagements providing meaning
and purpose. It could be a reason to get up in the morning and look forward to
a new day.
blog is an outcome of that thought process.
blog is not intended to focus on a particular area of expertise. The subject
matters expand on brief ideas that flash across my consciousness
while reading or observing the world.
of those ideas become initial seeds for a blog post and take shape through
further research. The subject matter of posts might seem random, nonetheless,
they have a flavor of focusing on a few topics: life in retirement - both
financial and its softer side (which is equally important); making connections
between things around us; personal experiences, working through different
trials and tribulations that life throws at us; technological advances,
emergence of disruptive technologies and their consequences on society and causing
generational differences; imprints of behavioral science in aspects of our
life; future of humanity etc.
Most of all, the blog is about exploring the connections among various branches of knowledge that exist all around us.
With time, the scope of blog posts will change and evolve, but that is future. In the meantime, hope you
will enjoy occasional posts that might flash through the multiverse of internet
feeds that you follow.